Secret Behind 'Story' Credit

October 29, 2018 - 04:30 PM IST Love Cycle 

For any movie story, screenplay, direction, dialogues credits are usually taken by the director and you would give him the relevant recognition. But then, there is a reason why the director does this. The remake or dubbing rights especially the remake rights have a clause which gives the storywriter the entire credit.

If the story credit is given to the writer, while selling the remake rights, the writer has to be given money because technically he is the owner of the total movie. Unaware of this, some story writers entrust everything to the director because for them it is an opportunity. Hence, they get into an agreement.

But as per the rule, that agreement is not valid and the creator should get the credit. Not knowing that, the writers give everything to director and they are at loss. However, this law is now coming into light and demand for storywriters is increasing and they are standing up. Recently, due to one writer’s demand a 1000 crore project has gone into cold storage.