Kids Should Save This Director

November 05, 2018 - 06:30 PM IST

We often talk about how the lady audience and family audience is the most challenging section to appease and once any film gets their patronage, it becomes a blockbuster without a second thought. However, amidst them lies another section of audience which has not been tapped properly in Telugu.

We are talking about the kids audience. Whenever a film catches the attention of the kids, they end up bringing their entire families to theatre which spikes the ticket collection. This time, the trade analysts are saying only kids can save one director. He is none other than Allari Ravi Babu who is known for his offbeat flicks.

He is arriving with the movie ‘Adhugo’ which has a piglet as the hero. This is a complete visual effects driven story laced with some entertainment and drama. So far, the pre release promotions failed to excite but if the children get latched onto it Ravi Babu can be rest assured he can smile his way to the bank.