Pawan Kalyan Speeds Up His Vehicle

November 05, 2018 - 08:00 PM IST Pawan Kalyan 

During the initial phase of his political debut, Power Star Pawan Kalyan was mocked quite a few times. Many said he doesn’t seem to have a proper vision about his party, what he wants to do as a leader and some commented most of his statements are momentary and there is no consistency in his approach.

With passing time Pawan has seasoned more like a political leader and he has been honing his skills in the right way. With the election season approaching, Pawan has sped up his vehicle and it is getting clear that he is picking up momentum. The way he has been able to engage the crowds with his speeches is a salient point.

At the same time, Pawan is coming up with more assertive statements and making it clear he is here to stay and do his best as a leader to his people. This is the kind of Pawan many of his fans were hoping to see and now the power star seems to be delivering. It has to be seen what effect this is going to create in Telugu political arena.