At last, love birds Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone had kept an end for their 6 year relationship today. The love couple of Bollywood got hitched at a lavish destination marriage event in Italy. The marriage took place at Lake como, Italy with Indian traditional style.
As mentioned earlier, the marriage event will last for two consecutive days i.e on 14th and 15th of november. Today, they got married according to Konkani traditions and tomorrow they will complete their wedding vows in Sindhi style. The couple also planned for two receptions in India. Reportedly, One will be in Bengaluru on 21st of november and another one will be in Mumbai on 28th of november for all cine celebrities.
Personal life apart, Ranveer singh's next movie Simmba which is a remake of Tarak's Temperis releasing on 28th of december and Deepika Padukone is making a special appearance in Shah Rukh Khan starrer ' Zero' movie.