Anchor's Image Was Seriously Hurt

November 20, 2018 - 08:30 AM IST

The thing about having a career in the entertainment industry is, you need to maintain the right kind of image and impression among the people because it is all the perception game. A large part of that is determined based on the projects an individual undertakes. When choices go wrong, even the topmost tend to fall.

In the small screen circuit of Telugu states, anchor Pradeep Machiraju is the king of the industry while Suma is the queen. Within a short span, Pradeep has zoomed to the top with his spontaneity, wit and above all, his choice of shows. However, recently Pradeep made a move which seems to have dragged him down.

He did a show called ‘Pellichoopulu’ and this was promoted with a lot of pomp and hype. However, the reaction from the audience has shown they were completely put off and Pradeep lost his image completely. He expected it would double his popularity but it went reverse. Sometimes few programs and shows tend to create that impact.