Police Warning For Wrong Cinema Promotion

November 22, 2018 - 07:30 AM IST Love Cycle 

Innovation is the name of the game when it comes to movie promotion and the more the variety it shows the better would be its reach among the audience. While that is most needed, it is also important to note that the creativity should not go out of limit. A classic example to that is what happened in the city of Mumbai.

A new movie titled ‘The Dark Side Of Life: Mumbai City’ is currently preparing to hit the screens and the makers came up with a rather surprising way of promotion. At an important traffic junction, they had a hoarding and along with that they tied a scarecrow man. It looked as if a man was really hanging from there.

For a long time the public was in panic and as expected the cops arrived in the scene. It is heard that the Mumbai police has given a solid warning to the team of this movie for promoting it in such a way. The makers have adhered to this suggestion but in the process, the film has garnered a lot of attention and mileage.