Reasons For '2.0' Not Meeting Expectations

December 01, 2018 - 04:30 PM IST Baahubali | Robo 2 0 

It is no rocket science or intuition but then there are those times when certain movies fail to create that excitement despite splurging money and roping in the ultimate best of stars. It appears the movie ‘2.0’ will stand as a true example to that. The film has hit the screens and the collections are not encouraging.

A common opinion being expressed about the movie is, ‘It looks more like Subject is for A class and multiplex audience and there is nothing for B,C centre audience. It is a very small project compared to ‘Baahubali’ but individually it is a big movie. The other setback for the movie is, it is looking visually appealing in 3D format.

Those who are watching it in the 2D format are feeling very disappointed. Last but not the least, many are saying the film doesn’t have the right kind of feel or emotional quotient to keep the audience hooked. Barring the last thirty minutes, nothing much seems to have captivated the attention. The songs are a big disappointment.