Directed by talented filmmaker Hemanth Madhukar, the thriller flick Nishabdham is all set to hit theaters on the 2nd of April. Makers have revealed its trailer just a while ago. Natural Star Nani has released the trailer by saying “Here’s the #NishabdhamTrailer
Our sweetest Sweety on the edge of the seat thriller. Best wishes to the entire team”.
While Sweety Anushka Shetty has played the main lead in the film, Madhavan, Anjali, Subbaraju and other prominent actors are portraying another crucial role in the film. Anjali is playing as an investigation officer in the thriller.
Looking like a ghost thriller, everything is suspicious. Every frame was designed with power-packed elements. Cinematography is top class. The background score is excellent. Performances wise, everyone is looking very good.
Especially Anushka has nailed it with her performance. It is known that Anushka is playing a mute artist in the film.