NTR30 Delay: Who is responsible for this?

July 21, 2022 - 11:00 AM IST

NTR30 is one of the prestigious projects that will begin soon. Directed by Koratala Siva, the film is creating a special interest in the film nagar. NTR is going to be seen in a unique yet versatile character. The film was supposed to begin this month, but there is still no progress in the film.


A few comments that NTR is hesitant about starting the film anytime soon as Koratala suffered a failure. This results in criticism against NTR that he is not supporting a director who earlier delivered him success with Janatha Garage.


Meanwhile, the actual truth is that Koratala is solely responsible for the delay in NTR30. Siva is not happy with how the script is shaped and wants to take some more time to develop a solid subject.


NTR is also extending his full support to Siva and asking him to take his time to come up with a solid script.

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