Superstar Mahesh Babu is currently working on an interesting film, in the direction of Trivikram Srinivas. The duo earlier worked on the films Athadu and Khaleja. After almost a decade, the duo is coming up with an interesting film. Meanwhile, the social media reports reveal us that the fans of Mahesh are angry on Trivikram.
On the occasion of Mahesh Babu's birthday on 9th of this month, the makers of SSMB28 did not give any update on the project. The fans expected at least a simple update on when the film will actually begin but it did not happen.
At the same time, the film is constantly getting delayed which is also a reason for the anger by the fans. The film was supposed to take off by now but it is yet to hit the floors.
So, the fans are expecting one or the other update from the director anytime soon.
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