Ravi Teja's new film Rama Rao on Duty was released recently at the box office. Sarath Mandava made his debut as a director. Now, the news is that he is coming up with a web series on Shadow novel series, penned by Madhu Babu.
The director has given a clarity on social media saying that the news about the project is not new.
"The News about Shadow is not new. I have been in touch with Guruvu garu (Madhu Babu garu) for a long time. It’s my privilege that he gave me permission to bring his Shadow into visual form as a web series. We are working on it and will be announcing as soon as it shapes up. It will take some time because it's like taking a right amount of water from a flowing river. #shadow" he posted on Instagram.
Sarath's debut film, Ramarao On Duty, is currently streaming on Sony LIV platform. The film opened to a disaster talk on the release day.
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