The seventh-week nominations segment revealed the house targeting Revanth and Baladitya in the nominations. The entire house nominated the two housemates for silly reasons, which seems to be a safe game strategy for all the other housemates.
The housemates nominated two people each and the nominated persons took the mud shower. The following is the result of the nominations.
Faima - Vasanthi, Baladitya
Rohith - Revanth, Shrihan
Sri Satya - Revanth, Baladitya
Baladitya - Revanth, Faima
Adi Reddy - Arjun Kalyan, Vasanthi
Shrihan - Inaya, Keerthi
Marina - Revanth, Adi Reddy
Geethu - Vasanthi, Baladitya
Rajasekhar - Vasanthi, Baladitya
Inaya - Baladitya, Shrihan
Arjun Kalyan - Baladitya, Adi Reddy
Vasanthi - Rajasekhar, Revanth
Keerthi - Shrihan, Baladitya
Revanth - Sri Satya, Marina
Surya - Baladitya, Revanth
In the end, except for Geethu and RJ Surya, everyone is in the nominations.
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