The reports in the Telugu film nagar reveal that Vijay Deverakonda is planning a film with director Harish Shankar. The news of the same has come out on social media multiple times in the past. Interestingly, Vijay has spilled the beans over the same at the pre-release event of the film Prince. Vijay revealed that he is yet to work with Harish Shankar but looking forward to work with him.
“I’ve never worked with Thaman garu or Harish Anna, I’m looking forward to working with them," said Vijay Deverakonda, indirectly confirming the project.
On the work front, Harish Shankar's next film is with Powerstar Pawan Kalyan. Titled Bhavadeeyudu Bhagat Singh, the film begins next year. Also, Vijay Deverakonda is working on Kushi. He is also in talks with a couple of other filmmakers.
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