Since Balakrishna announced a project with Krack director Gopichand Malineni, Tollywood movie buffs are sky-high. Also the film's teaser released created a sensation in social media. Meanwhile, the film's title "Veere Simha Reddy" was revealed yesterday along with a massive poster that made fans go gaga over the film.
To reach the fans expectations, the film is all set for a massive release on Sankranthi 2023.
Now, the latest buzz about the movie is that Balayya will be seen in three shades in this film. As per the inside sources, the film is going to be a mass masala action flick and there are almost eleven fight sequences in the movie.
The film trailer is expected to be released in November. Bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers, the film has Shruthi Haasan in lead actress role.
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