Bigg Boss Telugu TV show is inching towards the end of the seventh week. On Saturday, Nagarjuna did not express his anger on the housemates but kept it very simple without disturbing the equations of the housemates. However, he asked the housemates to reveal the most deserving and most undeserving housemates in the house.
The following is the result.
Housemate - Most Undeserving - Most Deserving
Shrihan - Rohith Saini & Geethu Royal
Marina Abraham - Rajasekhar & RJ Surya
Geethu Royal - Marina Abraham & Shrihan
Revanth - Marina Abraham & Shrihan
Faima - Marina Abraham & Revanth
Sri Satya - Marina Abraham & Shrihan
Rohith Saini - Arjun Kalyan & Baladitya
Rajasekhar - Revanth & Shrihan
RJ Surya - Vasanti & Geethu Royal
Vasanthi - Rajasekhar & RJ Surya
Baladitya - Marina Abraham & Shrihan
Keerthi Bhat - Vasanti & Revanth
Arjun Kalyan - Marina Abraham & Shrihan
Inaya Sulthana - Marina Abraham & Shrihan
Adi Reddy - Arjun Kalyan & Shrihan
Nagarjuna declared that Marina, Vasanthi, Rajasekhar and Arjun Kalyan are underserving contestants and asked them to up their game.
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