Bigg Boss Telugu TV show is in its eighth week, and surprisingly, all of the housemates are in the nominations currently. The TV show is creating a unique interest among the audiences currently and we have to see who will emerge as the winner in the TV show.
In the 8th week, the housemates nominated two persons each. Finally, the following is the result of the eighth week nominations.
Sri Satya - RJ Surya & Marina Abraham
Adi Reddy - Inaya Sulthana & Marina Abraham
Geethu Royal - Marina Abraham & Inaya Sulthana
Baladitya - Sri Satya & Geethu Royal
Keerthi Bhat - LV Revanth & Sri Satya
RJ Surya - Inaya Sulthana & Sri Satya
Rohith Saini - Geehu Royal & Sri Satya
Inaya Sulthana - Shrihan & RJ Surya
Sri Satya - Faima & Marina Abraham
Rajasekhar - Inaya Sulthana & Revanth LV
Marina Abraham - Faima & Rajasekhar
LV Revanth - Keerthi Bhat & Geethu Royal
Vasanthi Krishna - Adi Reddy & RJ Surya
Final Nominated Contestants: RJ Surya, Marina Abraham, Sri Satya, Adi Reddy, Inaya Sulthana, Geethu Royal, Baladithya, Keerthi Bhat, LV Revanth, Rohith Saini, Faima, Rajasekhar, and Vasanthi Krishna
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