Bigg Boss Telugu TV show witnessed an interesting twist on Wednesday's episode. Interestingly, the TV show has created a special interest during the captaincy contenders' task. Surprisingly. Geethu Royal has changed the game plan permanently.
The Chepala Cheruvu task is in progress in the Bigg Boss house. On Wednesday, the raining fishes continued.
Arguments & Fights:
RJ Surya provoked Revanth first and snatched fish from his basked. Revanth who could not resist the same had successfully brought them back to his basket.
Some of the players constantly targeted Marina Abraham thinking she is weak but she resisted strongly and defended her fishes.
Sri Satya and Shrihan lost their game because of Baladithya. Baladithya had cornered them and took away their fishes., Sri Satya lost her temper and she could not do much about it. She started attacking and provoking Baladitya badly.
Shield War
Shield War is the next challenge in the Bigg Boss house. Four couples participated in the game. Faima-Rajasekhar, Marina-Baladitya, Vasanthi-RJ Surya & Sri Satya-Shrihan participated in the challenge. Vasanthi & Surya won the challenge and gained more fishes.
Sanchalaks and Differences
Geethu Royal and Adi Reddy are picked as Sanchalaks. Interestingly, Geethu Royal has come up with a game plan of her own. She framed new rules and also changed the game in the end.
When fishes rained in the house, a black fish has come up but it is bagged by Geethu Royal. With it, she swapped the fishes between two couples.
Thus, Revanth-Inaya who were in the first place came to the second place.
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