Kannada film Kantara has become a very big hit at the box office. Rishab Shetty played the lead role in the film and he also directed the project. A lot of celebrities watched the film and liked it. Interestingly, we have come to know that Superstar Rajinikanth was also impressed by the film. He took to his Twitter to share the film's review.
"“The unknown is more than the known” no one could have said this better in cinema than @hombalefilms #KantaraMovie you gave me goosebumps @shetty_rishab Rishab hats off to you as a writer,director and actor.Congrats to the whole cast and crew of this masterpiece in indian cinema" tweeted Rajinikanth.
Rishab Shetty is happy to receive this compliments from Superstar. "Dear @rajinikanth sir 😍 you are biggest Superstar in India and I have been your fan since childhood. Your appreciation is my Dream come true. You inspire me to do more local stories and inspire our audiences everywhere. Thank you sir" posted Rishab Shetty.
The film is currently performing well at the box office in the regional cinema.
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