Recently, Tamannaah announced her Malayalam project with Dileep. Tentatively titled D147, this marks the debut of Tamannaah in Mollywood. It is directed by Arun Gopy and bankrolled by Vinayaka Ajith. It is known that Dileep is the prime accuse in a Malayalam actress' rape & abduction case and the case is still standing in the court. The damaged reputation of Dileep has severely affected his image & business. Even his market is collapsed to a meagre debutant.
One cannot expect a heavy budget for his film and it is surprising to see Tamannaah being part of it. It looks like the actress has decided to rather foray into new industries rather than doing a second significant role in established industries
Her recent release was Madhur Bhandarkar's Hindi drama 'Babli Bouncer' and is currently working with Arunima Sharma for a web series titled 'Jee Karda'.
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