The release of Pushpa 2: The Rule turned into a tragic incident at Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad’s RTC Cross Roads. While the celebrations for Allu Arjun’s much-awaited movie were in full swing, the situation took a devastating turn when the overwhelming crowd led to a stampede, claiming the life of a woman and leaving others injured.
Revati (39), a resident of Dilsukhnagar, had come to Sandhya 70mm theater with her husband Bhaskar and their two children, Tej (9) and Sanvi (7), to watch the premiere show.
Amid the chaos caused by fans rushing to the theater upon hearing about Allu Arjun’s surprise visit, Revati collapsed and was rushed to Durgabhai Deshmukh Hospital. Sadly, she could not be revived. Her children are currently under medical observation.
The uncontrollable crowd and subsequent police lathi charge reportedly resulted in more injuries. Those hurt were immediately transported to nearby hospitals for treatment.
ALSO READ: Pushpa 2 The Rule Movie Review and Rating