Superstar Mahesh Babu earlier worked with director Anil Ravipudi for the film, Sarileru Neekevvaru. The film has become a big hit and they planned to work once again but it did not happen yet. In the meantime, Anil worked with Venkatesh for third time for the film Sankranthi Ki Vastunnam. Mahesh happened to watch the film and shared the review of the film.
Talking about the film, Mahesh wrote, “Enjoyed watching #SankranthikiVasthunam , A proper festive film… @VenkyMama sir is just terrific. So proud and happy for my director @AnilRavipudi for giving consecutive Blockbusters. @aishu_dil @Meenakshiioffl were superb in their characters. The kid “Bulli Raju” knocked it right out of the park. Congratulations to the entire cast and crew.”
โMahesh enjoyed the film thoroughly and he made a special mention on X about everyone. Dil Raju produced the film and it was released on the 14th of this month.
Enjoyed watching #SankranthikiVasthunam , A proper festive film... @VenkyMama sir is just terrific๐๐๐
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) January 15, 2025
So proud and happy for my director @AnilRavipudi
for giving consecutive Blockbusters ๐๐๐@aishu_dil @Meenakshiioffl were superb in their characters.
The kid "Bulli…