Pawan's Directors into Regret Waiting list?

April 13, 2016 - 12:41 PM IST Pawan Kalyan | Sardaar Gabbar Singh 

After everest like expectations for Pawan Kalyan’s Sardaar Gabbar Singh,it has left Mega fans as well as the makers of the film with mixed feelings. The main reason for it is because of the lukewarm response for the flick and heavy criticism about Pawan’s screenplay for the film. However, his ever optimistic fans were eagerly waiting to know the next project of the star.

Pawan has already given word to Dolly (Kishore Kumar) for doing a film with him in Gopala Gopala audio release and also to Johnny Master to do a film in near future. However, the actor cleared the air saying that as per his present plan, he can do only two films and doubtful about completing even them. The biggest challenge for him is to contest for 2019 elections through his political party Janasena and he isn’t showing much interest in film career either.

As a result, many directors are being added to Pawan Kalyan’s regret directors list instead! How will Pawan explain them his situation? Will he convince them that his priorities have changed now? We will have to wait and see.