Young hero Allu Sirish who is picking different subjects has teamed up with Lavanya Tripathi for a pure family entertainer film Srirasthu Shubhamasthu being helmed by Parasuram (Bujji), known for showcasing family emotions precisely. Ace producer and Sirish’s father Allu Aravind is producing the movie under the prestigious Geetha Arts Banner.
Shrirasthu Shubhamasthu’s last shooting scheduled will be canned in exotic locations of Kashmir and with this entire production work will be wrapped up. Very soon, the film’s audio composed by SS Thaman will be launched through a grand ceremony. The makers have plans to release the movie sometime soon.
Director Parasuram said, “I have become very close to Sirish with the journey for Srirasthu Shubhamasthu. Like me, Sirish also has great respect and liking for joint families. Marriage is key part in everyone’s life. One would know how bride and groom should behave responsible after marriage, only if we have family with us. But, current generation youngsters have forgotten about family emotions and responsibilities. Our film will have right ingredients for all age groups. Each character- whether it is big or small, will have its own significance.”
Sirish said, “I am interested in doing good films from the beginning. In fact, I feel proud myself when someone appreciates me for picking meaningful movies. Bujji is making the family subject, comprising of all commercial elements. Every character in the film is inter-linked to other character. My sequences with Rao Ramesh will be highlight in the film. In fact, our confidence levels will increase, if work with senior actors.
Producer Allu Aravind also hopes his latest production venture Srirasthu Shubhamasthu will become another good hit for his banner.
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