The success story of Tamil filmmaker Karthik Subburaj is indeed an inspirational one. While the directors usually follow a conventional path where they first work as an assistant director and learn the nuances of movie making, Karthik took the newfound path by becoming a director straightaway with the horror flick Pizza. Karthik achieved this at a very young age and learnt everything relating to cinema with sheer passion.
Pizza became an all time hit and even became a happening debate topic in Bollywood as well. His next film Jigarthanda became even more successful and his recent film Iraivi also has been getting positive talk all over. However, the director is in lot of trouble with his Jigardhanda producer Kadhiresan who gave him hard time during the film’s release.
The main reason behind their clash is budget getting exceeded and things became serious when the Hindi remake rights weren’t given to the director as promised. Now, Karthik featured a character in Iraivi which resembles Kadhiresan and showed him in negative light. Because of the producer’s character, a director’s life gets ruined.
This naturally led to the wrath of Tamil producers and some of them got together to go against Karthik and not accept his films from now on. The response from Karthik regarding this sudden development is awaited.
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