Veggie Mania Among Heroes

June 29, 2016 - 07:02 PM IST Ram Charan 

There are those among you who just cannot have a morsel of food without having a piece of meat in it. That’s the passion few have for non-vegetarian food. However, in the last few years, many non-vegetarians have shifted to vegetarianism for various reasons.

Most importantly it has to do with health and body maintenance. Along with that, it also brings that Saathvik mindset without resorting to impulsive actions. This mania has picked up a lot among the Bollywood & Tollywood celebrities. Notable among them are the vegetarian hunk Shahid Kapoor & Ram Charan.

Even our very own chiseled hunk Sonu Sood is a hardcore veggie. While that may be so it is heard that the demand for vegetarian food during shootings has become tough for the producers and unit members. Well, when the celebs want it there cannot be a no for an answer.

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