Top Actor Beats Cancer

November 14, 2018 - 06:45 PM IST Love Cycle 

Though man has reached great heights in science and technology there are many challenges he faces in the world of health and top in that list is Cancer. Till date, we have not been able to come up with a tried and tested cure for cancer and when it strikes it doesn’t really see the background or status of the person.

True to that, the droopy eyed Bollywood talent Irrfan Khan was struck with a high grade Neuroendocrine cancer. At one point, it looked as if his days were numbered and Irrfan went to London to undergo the treatment. The last few months have been quite pensive because many felt he would not be able to make it.

However, the latest update from London revealed Irrfan has actually recovered quite a lot after undergoing the advanced treatment. Reports also reveal he may come back to India any time and get back to doing his movies. This news has brought immense delight to Irrfan’s fans and all the cine buffs. See you soon Irrfan!