Rajini's Conditions For Joining His Party

November 14, 2018 - 07:30 PM IST

There is still a cloud of doubt as to how effectively does Style Samrat Rajnikanth want to enter politics because it has been ages since he actually took a concrete step towards it. Every now and then he comes up with an announcement and then gets back to his movies. Anyhow, Rajini has once again given a statement.

This time, it is more of a condition cum clause to all those who are eager to join hands with him. Well, it is heard that Rajini has reportedly made it clear those who are expecting party tickets for contesting in election or some other financial benefits should stay away from joining his party because he is totally against it.

He also added that once they get to know of such individuals within the party, he will ask them to leave right away. Given these clauses, it would be interesting to see who would be eager to join Rajini’s party. On the bright side, this would make way for some genuinely interested people to join and make a difference.