Lyricist Showing Power On Singer?

November 20, 2018 - 11:30 AM IST Love Cycle 

There are many discussions that keep happening in the Corporate and business world wherein power and influence are the key focus areas. Those who have the clout tend to muscle their way through just about anything and others have no other choice but to obey. Fact of the matter is, cinema industry is no exception.

Though most of the times the entire fraternity runs in harmony and understanding, in the recent times things have got a bit public thanks to social media. Many celebrities are voicing out their displeasures in various forms and one such thing has been the ‘#MeToo’ issue. In that, singer Chinmayi slammed allegations against the iconic Tamil lyricist Vairamuthu.

Reports from Chennai now reveal Chinmayi has been banned from the dubbing artists association as she has not paid fees from two years. While this does sound a bit absurd, some of them are citing that this looks to be the influence of Vairamuthu on Chinmayi. The coming days will reveal who will emerge as the winner between both.