#MeToo Founder Gets Nobel Prize?

October 28, 2018 - 12:30 PM IST Love Cycle 

We have been talking and reporting a lot about the ‘#MeToo’ controversy and right now the entire nation is boiling under it. The worst hit is the film celebrities and nearly two hundred popular men are now facing the axe due to this. Given this situation, the #MeToo movement is a big hit.

As a result, one international media decided to find out the origin for this movement and its founder. Her name is Tarana Burke and she happens to be a women’s rights activist based in America who had started this about ten years ago. Tarana hails from Africa and settled in America.

The discussion happening now is, will this person get the prestigious Nobel prize for bringing such major change across the globe. If not the Nobel, something she will get something similar for sure. What remains to be seen is whether this movement is actually serving the purpose or not.