Prabhas, one of the most eligible bachelors in the Telugu film industry, continues to be the center of attention. At 45 years old, the actor’s marriage has been a hot topic on numerous occasions. During the recent episode of Unstoppable with NBK, where Ram Charan was the guest, the topic has again come up for discussion.
According to speculations, Ram Charan hinted that Prabhas will likely marry a woman from Ganapavaram, Andhra Pradesh. Adding to the anticipation, Prabhas’s aunt, Shyalama Devi, is said to be eager for the actor to tie the knot, with 2025 being touted as the year for his nuptials.
Meanwhile, Ram Charan's latest film, Game Changer, has been performing well at the box office, maintaining strong momentum on its second day. The film collected more than 186 Cr rupees gross at the box office on the release day.