The Malayalam action drama Marco, led by Unni Mukundhan, has taken the industry by storm with its intense visuals, unrelenting violence, and gripping storyline. The film, which marked a significant milestone as the first A-rated Malayalam movie to cross the Rs. 100 crore benchmark, has now amassed over Rs. 115 crores gross worldwide, cementing its blockbuster status.
OTT Deal and Streaming Details
After weeks of speculation about its digital rights, it has been officially confirmed that Marco will stream on Sony LIV. The platform secured the post-theatrical streaming rights for a record-breaking amount, reportedly the highest ever for a Mollywood film. This massive OTT deal further underscores the film’s monumental success.
While the streaming date remains under wraps, the release may be delayed as Marco gears up for its Kannada-language debut in theaters.
The Film’s Impact
Directed by Haneef Adeni and produced by Shareef Muhammed under the Cubes Entertainments banner, Marco has captivated audiences with its raw storytelling and high-octane action. Unni Mukundhan’s portrayal of the titular character has been widely praised, while the supporting cast, including Siddique, Jagadish, Abhimanyu S Thilakan, Kabir Duhan Singh, Anson Paul, and Yukti Tareja, delivered commendable performances.
Ravi Basrur’s intense and haunting score elevated the film’s impact, adding to its brutal and gripping narrative.
What’s Next for Marco
Adding to the excitement, a sequel to Marco has been officially confirmed and is currently in the scripting stage. Fans are eager to see how the story evolves, particularly after the film’s shocking and violent climax.
With its unprecedented box office run, historic OTT deal, and a sequel in the works, Marco has firmly established itself as a groundbreaking entry in Malayalam cinema. Stay tuned for updates on its streaming debut and the upcoming sequel!